
NASU Institute of Encyclopaedic Research has initiated a series of books From the Dictionary Heritage, which deals with the revival of written in the early 20th century terminological dictionaries of the Ukrainian language.

These dictionaries are monuments of the Ukrainian language, they still retain their scientific and practical value, because today the Ukrainian is still not completely free from the influence of the Russian language and still not completed its terminology system building.

Due to this series, the Institute are joining to a number of humanity and science institutions that are in the process of preparing of reprinting the most important academic achievements of the early 20th century that have become rare, and some of them were banned and removed from use in the Soviet era.

The series’ editorial board agrees with the famous scientist of the NAS of Ukraine I.А. Akimov, who wrote in the preface to the facsimile edition of The Dictionary of Zoological Nomenclature (Kyiv, 2005) the following: “Today, as never, there is a need to cultivate the highest quality Ukrainian language, including the terminology used by teachers, researchers and students. … Leading Ukrainian zoologists have reached a conclusion, the facsimile edition of the unique lexicographic work The Dictionary of Zoological Nomenclature is the only possible starting point for the development of modern Ukrainian zoological nomenclature and terminology”.

We acknowledge Olga Senyuk for providing the first printing of dictionaries from the collections of books by Yevhen Popovych and Olha Seniuk.

Reprinted dictionaries

Kurylo, O. (2008). Slovnyk khemychnoi terminolohii [Glossary of Chemistry Terms]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 1, original work published 1923) PDF

 Horetskyi, P. I. (2008). Slovnyk terminiv pedahohiky, psykholohii ta shkilnoho administruvannia [Lexicon of Pedagogy, Psychology and School Management]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 2, original work published 1928) PDF

 Kysilov, V. F. (2008). Medychnyi rosiisko-ukrainskyi slovnyk [Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary of Medicine]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 3, original work published 1928) PDF

 Sheludko, I. M. (2008). Praktychnyi slovnyk vyrobnychoi terminolohii [Practice Lexicon of Manufacturing]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 4, original work published 1931) PDF

Tutkovskyi, P. A. (2008). Slovnyk heolohychnoi terminolohii [Glossary of Geology Terms]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 5, original work published 1923) PDF

Vasylenko, P. I. & Sheludko, I. M. (2008). Slovnyk hirnychoi terminolohii [Glossary of Mining Terms]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 6, original work published 1931) PDF

 Slovnyk muzychnoi terminolohii [Glossary of Musics Terms]. (2008). Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 7, original work published 1930) PDF

Mlodzynskyi, H. & Yohansen, M. H. (2009). Praktychnyi rosiisko-ukrainskyi slovnyk prykazok [Practice Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary of Proverbs and Sayings]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 8, original work published 1929) PDF

Trykhvyliv, Y. & Zubkov, I. (2009). Slovnyk tekhnichnoi terminolohii. Mirnytstvo [Glossary of Technology. Geodesy]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 9, original work published 1930) PDF

Favorskyi, V. V. (2009). Slovnyk fizychnoi terminolohii [Glossary of Physics Terms]. Kyiv: NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research (From the Dictionary Heritage, vol. 10, original work published 1932) PDF