14 березня Інститут енциклопедичних досліджень НАН України надіслав лист-звернення до редакцій національних енциклопедій Європи і світу щодо необхідності засудження агресії Росії проти України. У листі наголошено, що бажаним способом вираження засудження могло би стати припинення будь-якої професійної співпраці з представниками РФ, а також об’єктивне висвітлення подій в Україні, позбавлене наративів російської пропаганди (йдеться не лише про війну, а загалом про будь-які українські явища, поняття, персоналії, що висвітлюють в енциклопедіях).
У відповідь надійшли листи, у яких зарубіжні колеги, окрім висловлень співчуття, виразили солідарність у вигляді різних дій – від запрошень релокації редакції ЕСУ на період війни до вжитих заходів щодо текстів української тематики у власних енциклопедіях.
Далі пропонуємо листи-відповіді зарубіжних колег (оригінал мови збережено).

Муріс Чичич (Академія наук і мистецтв Боснії і Герцеговини):
Dear Mykola,
As witnesses to the four-year aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, terrible consequences of the country’s destruction and the 1425-day siege of Sarajevo, with still fresh images of the horrors of the war, members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina express solidarity with the Ukrainian people and especially with our fellow scientists, and strongly condemn the unprovoked invasion and destruction of Ukraine. We are hoping and praying that the relevant institutions will accept their responsibility and immediately stop the killing of innocent citizens and war destruction in Ukraine.
The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina are with you.
Stay strong and do not give up!
Muris Čičić
President of Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ная Бентцен (Центр досліджень Європейського парламенту):
Dear Mykola, dear all,
The European Parliament stands with Ukraine in the fight against authoritarianism and disinformation; we know that you in Ukraine are, indeed, fighting for all of us – for the future of democracy.
I’d be very happy to organize a virtual meeting/workshop to discuss the repercussions for your work, and the way forward (including how we can best work to support you).
Glory to Ukraine!
Naja Bentzen

Рімантас Карекас (Науково-енциклопедичний центр Литви, Універсальна литовська енциклопедія):
Dear friends and colleagues,
We send to you and all Ukrainian nation our support and solidarity. We deeply understand that during these days there is no more important topic than the war started by Russia against the Ukrainian state, therefore on 7h March we publicated an article „Russian military invasion of Ukraine“. It is seen on our Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia website: https://www.vle.lt/straipsnis/rusijos-karine-invazija-i-ukraina/
This article is beeing updated daily. The information about the Russian military acts in Ukraine and Ukrainian resistance to the aggressor is based on the official Ukrainian government institutions and foreign media sources. The article is displayed as a priority on the first page on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, this is not normal practice for us, to write about the current situation in the war. But we sincerealy think that this is very important to let all people know the truth about Russian criminal acts in Ukraine. The more media agencies and other sources write about the war, the more peaple see the truth. Not Russian propaganda.
We have also published other articles about history of Ukraine:
All names of Ukrainian anthroponyms, toponyms, hydronyms, etc. were written according to Russian and Ukrainian language system, till now there were two versions of the names (for e.g. Kijev, Kyjiv – https://www.vle.lt/straipsnis/kyjivas/ ). But for the current moment we are discusing with the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language to change this practice and withdraw Russian names, leaving only Ukrainian names.
Please fell free to let us know if we can help youin your work.
Слава Україні – Героям слава
Rimantas Kareckas,
Director, Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center in the Republic of Lthiuania

Інга Зауракайте (Науково-енциклопедичний центр Литви, Універсальна литовська енциклопедія):
Dear Mr. Mykola,
Lithuania is always with Ukraine! Unfortunately the International Vilnius book fair started on 24 February, this days was the first day of the WAR. It was really shocking news. We will never forget it!!!
The Lithuanian Universal Encyclopedia has already stopped working with ITAR TASS agency. My colleagues are changing names of Ukrainian towns in the old articles. Everyday we fill information about each day of the war. Here is the article:
The mayor of Vilnius has changed the street name where the Russian embassy is located from “Latvian street” to “Ukrainian Heroes street”. Please read if you have time for it:
Please, be strong, don’t give up!
With the very big regards,
Inga Zaurakaite
Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center / Universal Lthuanian Encyclopedia

Бруно Крагіч (Інститут лексикографії, Хорватська енциклопедія):
Dear Myklola and all staff od the NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research,
We in Croatian encyclopaedia, Institute of Lexicography, and indeed in all Croatia, are with you in your just cause. We already have Ukrainian topics done in Ukrainian transliteration and we are providing to Croatian readers all relevant information regarding Ukrainian topics, including most recent ones. As we had gone through our own fight against foreign agression 30 years ago, we can even more sympathise with you in your brave resistance.
Bruno Kragić, Editor-in-Chief of Croatian Encyclopaedia and director-general of Institute of Lexicograpy

Ерік Болстад (Велика норвезька енциклопедія):
Dear Mykola and other staff at the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine.
We have been thinking a lot about you in the last few weeks. I had planned to reach out to you today. Please let us know if we can help in any way. If any of the staff needs to flee, we can set up an office for you here in Oslo. If you need to store backups somewhere safe, we can help. If there’s anything else: I am sure we or some other encyclopedia can help. Our front page of SNL has displayed an Ukrainian flag since the night of Putin’s attack. https://snl.no/ We see a large increase in readership on Ukrainan-related articles, and have worked hard to keep everything updated. The last few articles with Russian place names have been changed to Ukrainian, e.g. https://snl.no/Kyiv
Erik Bolstad
Great Norwegian Encyclopedia

Зураб Абашидзе (Грузинська енциклопедія):
Dear Mykola,
Georgia strongly stands by Ukraine and its fantastic people!
More than anyone else we understand the tragedy and pain caused by this aggression. We are witnessing the unprecedented heroism and unity of the people which can not be defeated.
Our prayers are with you.
Zurab Abashidze
Georgian Encyclopedia

Татяна Шрамкова (Енциклопедичний дослідницький центр Словацької АН):
Dear Mykola,
I am your neighbour – from Slovakia. We have also faced a massive attack from Putin’s propaganda for years. Part of the nation even believes it. This war has changed the public mind and now more than 70% of citizens support the steps our government is taking.
Many of my friend are helping by financial donations to humanitarian organizations or directly to
your government. The Slovak Academy of Sciences offers accommodation facilities and is prepared for
a long term support:
Let me know if we can help this way.
The Slovak Academy of Sciences also:
Bratislava’s castle lit up …, click on the Ukrainian flag on the upper blue panel:
My husband is reading to me from a Czech newspaper just now: “We all see the huge wave of
solidarity with Ukraine and its refugees all around us. According to opinion polls, almost 90% of
Czechs consider Russia’s attack on Ukraine to be an unjustifiable aggression.”
Yes, you are defending democracy in Europe, you are fighting for the future of Europe, for us, we
know it. I admire Ukrainians and also the small number of brave Russians who opposed this war in the cities of Russia.
Stay well and strong.
Tatiana Šrámková
Encyclopaedic Institute Centre of Operations Slovak Academy of Sciences